Register New Voters and GOTV By Mail

Out of an abundance of caution and in keeping with recommendations to stay at home during the novel coronavirus pandemic, we are suspending our weekly Vote Forward letter-writing events at the Galleria of Mt. Lebanon (Sundays) and at the Bill Green Shopping Center in Pleasant Hills.

Watch this page for notifications of when we resume our weekly events.

For those of you who feel comfortable doing so, you may register your own account with Vote Forward and follow the instructions to adopt your own voter lists.

Stay safe, stay calm, and WASH YOUR HANDS.

We’ve teamed with Vote Forward and Swing Left to write letters to unregistered Pennsylvanians to encourage them to register to vote, and GOTV letters of encouragement to infrequent registered voter. We’ll provide the names, addresses, letters, and envelopes as well as a voter registration application. Vote Forward has identified these prospective voters as likely Democrats. All you need to add is your personal touch and a first-class stamp. Donations of postage are appreciated but not mandatory.